
Frequently Asked Questions


Q: When will the term begin?

 A: All available terms for will begin on the following dates:

  • Winter B 2024: October 21st, 2024

  • Winter A 2025: January 6th, 2025

  • Spring 2025: March 24th, 2025

  • Summer 2025: June 23rd, 2025

  • Fall 2025: August 18th, 2025

  • Winter B 2025: October 20th, 2025


Q: What is the difference between a LitQuest Account and a LitQuest Membership?

A: A LitQuest Account enables families to track and record all purchases, refunds, transfers, and discounts. Additionally, when a family purchases while logged into their a LitQuest Account, it activates/renews their LitQuest Membership and the accompanying benefits.

LitQuest Memberships are available in three levels: Learner, Legacy, and VIP.

Retaining an active membership will track a family’s status with LitQuest and confer upon them exclusive benefits, including prioritization, exclusive and increased discounts, access to private lessons, and custom courses. For additional information about LitQuest Membership, please click the “LITQUEST MEMBERSHIPS” tab above, or read the “LITQUEST MEMBERSHIPS” section of the LitQuest Policy.

Q: Do I need a LitQuest Account or LitQuest Membership to enroll in classes?

A: No. While LitQuest Accounts and LitQuest Memberships grant exclusive benefits, families needn’t a LitQuest Account nor a LitQuest Membership to enroll in classes.

Q: When do the classes meet?

A: For every term, classes will meet once per week, for two hours.


Q: These are online classes. How will my student stay focused?

A: Every student is required to maintain a functioning camera that clearly shows an image of their face and elbows. To assist with focus, one of our teachers consistently monitors student behavior while assisting them via private chat during the initial weeks of a term. If a student begins to become unresponsive or shuts down their camera, our staff will reach out to you by phone to provide assistance.

Q: Will you close your classes for any holidays?

A: Generally, LitQuest will remain open and continue classes most holidays. The following exceptions, however, will apply:

  • Thanksgiving Break (November 25th - December 1st)

  • Winter Break (December 20th - January 5th)


Q: How will I know what my student should do for homework?

A: Each week, Mrs. Moss will express and explain the homework assignment to the class. Students are required to accurately document the name, task(s), and due date of each assignment as instructed my Mrs. Moss at the end of each meeting. Within twenty-four hours after each class meeting, LitQuest will send an email to parents, “LitQuest HOMEWORK: [Your Class Name], x/xx/2024” listing the homework for that week, including any attachments of additional study material and allowing you to keep track of your student’s work. LitQuest will not send this email to students without prior parental request.

Q: When I choose a Critical Reading or Reading/Writing Combo class, what book should I buy before the class?

A: LitQuest students will not need to purchase a book before the class begins. On the first day of class, students will vote on a selection of books. The title of the chosen book and a picture of the book cover vote will appear in the first of your weekly “LitQuest HOMEWORK: Critical Reading, x/xx/2024” or “LitQuest HOMEWORK: Reading/Writing Combo, x/xx/2024,” emails followed by links through which to purchase your copy. Please purchase the exact version/edition of the book listed in the email. Mrs. Moss will teach exclusively from that version/edition, and your students will experience difficulty attempting to follow the in-class analytical discussions if they possess a different version/edition due to inconsistent page numbers and/or references between different versions/editions of novels.

 Q: How do I send my student’s homework? 

In a Critical Reading course, a significant portion of homework will lie in annotating the chosen text, which students will show to the camera during the class without needing to send any files. In a Writing Workshop course, the in-class work will introduce genre-specific fundamentals and practices while the bulk of the of homework (and development) finds itself composing, editing, and revising drafts before and after their initial due-dates. Whether your student attends a Writing Workshop, Critical Reading, or On Demand Writing course, when Mrs. Moss assigns the class with writing tasks, students may title and send their written homework through any (or all) of the following methods:

  • Write and Scanstudents may write their works on lined paper, scan it, then send the scanned copy to Mrs. Moss's email (Mrs. Moss will share her direct email address with students on the first day of class, which is exclusive to students with questions about in-class content or advice for homework. No administrative inquiries will be received)

  • Email a Word File/pdfthis method allows students to type their essay in a word processing app, saving it as a doc, docx, or pdf, then sending it as an attachment to Mrs. Moss's email.

  • Google Docs: **NOTE: before sending a GoogleDoc, grant full editing permissions** with GoogleDocs, students may type their essay similarly to that of Microsoft Word, sharing it with Mrs. Moss's email address.

  • Smartphone Photo (jpeg): ***IMPORTANT*** when snapping a photo with a smart phone, please utilize a blank, flat surface with even lighting (no shadows) to ensure legibility. Parents may email or text the photo to or 949-689-2783, respectively.


Q: What is the difference between Grade Levels?

A: It may seem a common practice to separate grade levels based on the expected skill of students at certain ages. To a small extent, the same is true here at LitQuest. The major difference between our grade levels, however, is related to the complexity and maturity requirements of the content with which our students will interact. Similar to a rating system that accompanies film and music (e.g., G, PG, PG-13, R/Parental Advisory-Explicit Content), we find it inappropriate to introduce subject-content to viewers of certain ages, and that belief leads us to separate students based on age and grade level. Irrespective of grade-level and skill, our classes provide the same habits to enrolled students, with Critical Reading providing a foundation of annotative reading for analysis, and Writing Workshop providing a framework to understand how the Six Traits of Writing apply to each academic genre, from the 3rd-4th Grade level to the 7th-8th Grade level. Should a parent feel that their student seems advanced and wishes to enroll them in a class beyond their grade level, we ask them to review our book list (for reading classes) and contact us for a list of writing prompts (for writing classes) to determine how they might feel should their student interact with the subject-content presented in their targeted class.

Q: What kind of feedback will you provide for homework?

A: When students turn in their written homework, Mrs. Moss will provide commentary (critiques, comments, and advice) before sending it to your email on file, labelled with the subject title: “[Your Student’s Name]’s Recently Completed Homework from Mrs. Moss!”. At parental request, LitQuest may add your student’s email address to ensure they receive the same new and completed homework emails as the email address on file. Additionally, we encourage all member families to call us with any questions about comments received on completed homework assignments.


Q: The course seems very difficult for my student. Can you help me?

A: Yes! We’re glad to help you! During LitQuest’s office hours, Mr. Scott stands by to assist your student with their homework or questions relating to LitQuest philosophy, generally pointing students to key areas in their notes from class lectures. They may call as often as needed to gain clarity. When students fail to produce evidence from their notes, our staff will guide them through their questions into clarity. LitQuest staff grants assistance in the order of requests received, and students may expect prolonged wait-time, so they may call as often as needed to gain clarity.

  Q: Will I receive accommodations for absences?

A: Yes! LitQuest will record each class meeting for review, and we will send a copy of the recording each week, including all activities and lecture, to your email on file, ensuring a chance for your students to maintain a thorough understanding of course activities and assignments.